Write the  time spent on each activity. Aim for 30 minutes/day total.








Television & Videos

get up 10-15 minutes early to follow a video or TV workout
jump rope
use a small trampoline and run/jump in place
walk in place with spurts of marching and/or jumping jacks

At the Office

walk memos & messages instead of using e-mail or office mail system
run up & down stairs instead of using the elevator
take a 5-10 power minute walk around the building or parking lot

Around the House

run/walk in place while doing chores
go up/down the stairs 2-3 times per trip
do chores as fast as you can

Outside with Family

bike ride
jog, power walk, or skate alongside your kids on bikes
soccer, basketball, baseball, climb trees,
play actively in the pool
while your kids play on playground equipment you power walk the area
walk your children to their destination, power walk home
pass out neighborhood newsletter alone or with kids

With Friends or By Yourself

gym with a friend(s)
power walk, skate or bicycle
Check out a new sport or take a class.

Special Activities

bicycle trip: half-day, all-day, weekend trip
canoe trip: half-day, all day, weekend trip
hike: half-day, all day, weekend trip

Running Errands

park as far from the store entrance as you comfortably can
use stairs instead of escalators &  elevators (each flight = 1 minute)
while waiting for a friend or salesperson pace instead of sitting down